Monday, April 04, 2005

14 Months

It's been 14 months since I had the pacemaker implanted. There's still no signs of the Heart Block returning, so I basically have a rather expensive heart monitor installed. I haven't been back to the cardiologist lately, but will probably schedule a visit at the 18 or 24 month mark.

I have to admit I'm still a little bitter about having a pacemaker for a condition that quickly disappeared. I still harbor some feelings that maybe there was a rush to get it implanted without completely diagnosing the causes. Everyone keeps telling me to be grateful that I have the pacemaker, but they don't have to feel a hard metallic lump every morning in the shower when they're soaping up their chest like I do. I still don't think I've gone an entire day without noticing it or thinking about it, but I have come to accept it for the most part.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's now been 14 months for me too (2/23/04) and i was bitter at first. the Drs. didn't seem to care why this happened, and had "solved" my problem and were done with me. i was disgusted and saw other cardiologists. no one could tell me anything. now i'm happy that i have it because IF i were to ever have Heart Block again, it wouldn't cause me to pass out causing me to potentially harm my children. the PM hasn't affected my life negatively at all (and i only use it less than .01%), but, yes, it is very weird to have it at my age (was implanted when i was 35 and 15 weeks pregnant). a great place to go for support is it can be very informative. i hope you can overcome your bitterness and remember that Heart Block could've killed you and now it can't! i try to remember that, but it's hard... :)